Human Tech Transition:
Crises in Mediatized Politics, Society & Economy
March 13-15, 2024, Warsaw
2024 International Communication Association (ICA) regional conference Human Tech Transition is to create an international forum, a modern agora of thought exchange, and discussions about communication immersed in modern technologies through the prism of changes imposed by the crises of modernity.
Thematic panels
About HTT conference
2024 International Communication Association (ICA) regional conference Human Tech Transition is to create an international forum, a modern agora of thought exchange, and discussions about communication immersed in modern technologies through the prism of changes imposed by the crises of modernity. Media, new technologies, and the crises of today's world are a triad whose interpenetration and relations will be the theme of our conference. We argue that linking empirical social research with technological advances will help better understand individuals' and social groups' behavior. The topics of the speeches should fit the thematic panels (tracks) listed below.
Communication in times of war – new media, old strategies
Track chairs: Dorota Piontek (, Agnieszka Stępińska (, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
The power of technology, its diversity, and its expansiveness is undeniable when we are looking at crisis that, although taking place in Eastern Europe, has a global dimension - the war in Ukraine. Especially in countries located in a close proximity to the war, such as Poland, Lithuania, and Finland, the situation is affecting many aspects of life. Still, the war has an impact on many other regions in the world, by changing political, economic, and social contexts of contemporary international relations. Under such circumstances, a communication on warfare and political actions during becomes as important as a military background. During the past year, we have seen information warfare, with well-chosen messages designed to elicit either a response from the ruling elite or public support. Due to an extensive use of new technologies, such communications can give, often illusory, a sense of participation, being up-to-date with the events of the war, and sharing experiences with its participants. The communications space is also an increasingly important and frequently studied layer of hybrid conflict, as well as a component of a comprehensively understood security model based on society's pro-defense and mobilization potential.
Hence, it important to examine closely the mechanisms guiding communication. Our focus should be on mechanisms that have been known and used for a long time alongside with those that are entirely new and, in these dramatic circumstances, shaped for warfare.
- Theoretical approaches to and empirical studies on propaganda, disinformation, fake news, cyber-attacks;
- Communication strategies of government/state entities during the war time;
- Social media as an arena of information warfare;
- Social media as an instrument of organization and mobilization;
- Traditional and online media coverage of war;
- The impact of crises on the development of communication technologies;
- The impact of war on communication in various areas of social activity;
- Media as a factor affecting opinions, attitudes, and behavior during the war.
Communication in times of war – the role of media as institution
Track chairs: Deimantas Jastramskis (, Andrius Šuminas (, Vilnius University, Lithuania
A critical situation such as war puts in a new light the question of the importance and role that institutional - especially public - media should play. In the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, with the collapse of communism, their role was identified as a guarantor of democracy. The processes of political life, the public debate, of which the media are both a participant and a co-creator, provoke us to constantly address this question in the context of specific situations and events.
In times of war, the role of institutional and public media in communication becomes increasingly vital as it serves multiple functions, including providing reliable information, shaping public opinion, fostering solidarity, facilitating diplomatic efforts, and exposing war crimes and human rights abuses. Moreover, a free and independent media is essential for holding governments and military leaders accountable during times of war. By reporting on the actions of both domestic and foreign actors, institutional media can help to ensure that decisions are made with transparency, and any potential misconduct is exposed and addressed. The effectiveness of media in fulfilling these roles, however, depends on their independence, objectivity, and commitment to journalistic ethics.
By addressing these research topics, scholars can contribute to a better understanding of the complex role of institutional media in public communication during times of war and crises and develop strategies to promote responsible and accurate reporting in conflict situations.
- Institutional and public media role and functions
- Institutional and public media in crises situations
- Free and independent media in times of war
Pandemic and lockdown as spiritus movens of the technological revolution in communication
Track chairs: Agnieszka Hess (, Małgorzata Winiarska-Brodowska (, Jagiellonian University, Poland
During the coronavirus pandemic and the unprecedented lockdowns of countries, economies, and societies in modern history, times of separation and loneliness seemed more comfortable to bear, thanks to technology. Yet the same tools after the lockdown contribute to significant social changes, cybermediating and digitalizing various social activities, creating new contexts, social practices, and areas of interactions.
Technology has also given us tools of permanent access to broad knowledge and much multi-threaded information, which historically were available only to a tiny group of experts and policymakers. In times of crisis and high uncertainty, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, unprecedentedly available expert knowledge becomes a valuable resource that allows even the standard user to influence public discussions. The use of data, conclusions from specialist reports, or references to experts strongly influences the public debate and makes it a kind of game in which the audience's attention and trust are at stake. These mechanisms are clearly visible when discussing COVID vaccinations or subsequent medical recommendations regarding the fight against the pandemic. It is worth reflecting and seeing what lessons can be learned from past (COVID and post-COVID) experiences – for international organizations, for national governments and their communications, for public and private institutions, for media and journalistic practices, and for citizens.
Not least, the pandemic’s experience of distant learning/working and increasing platformization of horizontal social – private and professional – ties have led to various, sometimes contradictory, redefinitions of privacy, home, and family boundaries. During the conference, we seek to reconstruct these shifts in shared imaginaries and respective media-oriented practices.
- Health Communication
- Risk/crisis health communication
- Information communication technologies (ICTs) adoption in pandemic
- Cybermediating and digitalizing social activities –
- Well-being and mental health communication practices
- Communication strategies of governments/state entities/organizations (eg. international organizations) during the pandemic time
Climate crisis - communication through the lens of new technologies
Track chairs: Bartłomiej Łódzki (, Katarzyna Konarska (; University of Wroclaw, Poland
As the climate crisis unfolds, the question of what can be done is increasingly not limited to issues of emissions reduction or recycling but encompasses broader and broader issues. It seems clear that if it is possible to resolve this crisis, it will not be without the use of new technologies, the development of which, to some extent, has contributed to its emergence. A look at another of the crises through the lens of new technologies and communications seems an interesting and legitimate approach. Does the communication concerning the crisis, conducted by climate scientists, activists, politicians, corporations, and citizens themselves, aimed at a broad audience and complex in terms of both the nuanced discourses and the media used, use the same solutions and mechanisms that we see in other crises? Do its unique characteristics cause unique solutions to be developed? Topic areas of interest include but are not limited to measuring the effectiveness of environmental communication, main actors in environmental communication, distortions, and noises in the flow of environmental communication, climate crisis as a security challenge.
- Effectiveness of environmental communication
- Main actors in environmental communication
- Distortions, and noises in the flow of environmental communication,
- Climate crisis as a security challenge - Risk/crisis communication
Technologies in social life - a solution or another crisis?
Track chairs: Tomasz Gackowski ( University of Warsaw, Poland
Usage of new technologies might be seen as a blessing or as a curse. An example of such a solution with extensive influence is Extended Reality, which has so far been on the periphery of life and has a chance of becoming an element of everyday life. The arrival of such a world has been accelerated, on the one hand, by technological development and the readiness of IT corporations to invest in VR/XR technology, and on the other hand, by a pandemic that prompted us to look for alternative ways to exist in isolation.
One of the foremost hurdles we confront is the pervasive proliferation of artificial intelligence, which exhibits a growing ubiquity globally. AI-based tools, which can generate written and visual content and develop advanced robotics, significantly impact various aspects of our lives. They affect, among others, the job market, education, healthcare, politics, and culture and directly shape contemporary research within the social sciences.This situation forces us to face completely new challenges. We must find ways to define ourselves in the virtual world in various dimensions, including establishing social relationships, creating our own identity, and developing communication immersed in digital solutions. We are interested in whether and how designing virtual worlds and using AI can condition human behavior. What is communication like in XR/VR? What is the specificity of intercultural interactions in the perspective of using AI in everyday life?
- New technologies in communication
- Virtual /Augmented/Extended Reality technology in communication
- Artificial Intelligence
- Communication technologies - critical/cultural approaches
Fighting for order and attention in times of datafication: digital media as a new tool for restoring social order
Track chair: Katarzyna Kopecka-Piech (katarzyna.kopecka-piech@mail.
In a world besieged by the climate crisis, war, social change, economic unpredictability, alienation, and anomy, we seek new tools to restore the social order or to foster a new, better one. In this panel, we would like to look at several aspects of this process. The first considers redefinitions – potential and actual – of citizenship and its dimensions (rights, duties, participation, identity) in times of datafication. Here, we take a closer look at new tools, media, and discourses that could lead to reclaiming the effective communication of policies and strategies by social and political agents of increasingly mediatized (platformized?) public sphere(s). In this regard, we look at interactive media, serious games, gamification, indie mobile apps, hybrid public projects, and other ways of rebuilding (or "re-building") a frame for dialogue, social consensus and social order in volatile times. The second approach is analyzing the self-organization of grassroots communities dedicated to self-help, seeking voice (for themselves and others), social learning, raising awareness and building political impact. These loosely organized networks are organized around specific ideas - be it food-sharing and fighting the wasteful economy, underprivileged and minorities rights, sharing knowledge and resources for fighting the hardships of economic turmoil, or ecological activism. Still, they often have a complex relationship with current social and political institutions, and while seeking for visibility, voice, and impact they all reach for digital media. Third, and not least, we approach these issues critically, inviting papers that take under consideration – both theoretically and empirically – also negative aspects of citizenship datafication, such as commodification of democratic institutions and activism tools, flourishing culture(s) of – state and corporate – surveillance, and new tensions tied to platformization of public environments.
- Datafication in communication
- Digital activism
- Citizenship datafication & platformization
- Culture(s) of surveillance
- Interactive media & Gamification
- Grassroots communities discourse(s)
Mediatization in the era of AI - track organized in cooperation with ECREA
We live in an era where artificial intelligence profoundly shapes the media and communication landscape. This track aims to explore the intricate relationship between mediatization and AI, exploring its impact on society, culture, businesses, and various aspects of our lives. Mediatization research looks at the interrelationship between the transformation of media and communication on the one hand and culture and society on the other. With the introduction of widely shared AI tools such as ChatGPT, Dall-E, and other AI-based systems like social robots, dramatic changes in media usage, media cultures, and their respective reflections on politics, economy, and daily life have already been noticeable. At the same time, AI alters the very process of mediatization because "communication in today's societies occurs, to a considerable extent, through digital media and their infrastructures, a result of which is why every act of communication is already linked to processes of data generation and automated data processing"; this "makes a materialistic phenomenology necessary" (Couldry & Hepp 2023: 140). Therefore, AI finds itself at the heart of the contemporary theoretical debate, from grand theories such as social constructionism to the practical understanding of how it produces an extended entanglement of material infrastructures and social constructions.
- Generative AI (from ChatGPT or Dall-E to GANs or Scribe) impacts media usage patterns and consumption behaviors in contemporary society - New technologies in daily life - changes for individuals, social groups, and families;
- The effects of AI-based systems, including social robots, on the evolution of media cultures and their role in shaping cultural norms and practices - AI and public discourse - mediatized publics and the part of fake information;
- AI tools and their integration into media platforms influence political communication and discourse in the digital age;
- Economic implications of AI-mediated communication technologies on media industries and business models;
- AI-based systems in media affect daily life, interpersonal relationships, and social interactions;
- Theoretical frameworks which can be employed to understand the mediatization process and its intersection with AI technologies in modern society;
- The ethical considerations and challenges arising from the widespread use of AI tools in media and communication and their impact on society - AI technologies, norms, ethics, and societal values: national and international perspectives on the role of technology for societal change;
- Empirical studies which could help to identify the strengths and limitations of AI technologies in the media landscape and their implications on various aspects of culture and society;
- AI tools' role in shaping media content creation, dissemination, and audience engagement and the consequences of these transformations - AI technologies and governmental practices - are analyzed and critiqued.
The particular track on mediatization looks at empirical and theoretical approaches toward these transformations to understand the practices and consequences connected to these new technologies.
Conference dates
13.03.2024 (Wednesday ) - Pre-conference day - workshops
14.03.2024 (Thursday) – 1st Day of Conference
15.03.2024 (Friday) – 2nd Day of Conference
Conference location
University of Warsaw
55 Dobra Street
00-312 Warsaw
Preconference workshops location
POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
6 Mordechaja Anielewicza Street
00-157 Warsaw
Conference program
Below the detailed conference program is embedded, please note that it may be updated.
For your convenience, you may also open it in the new tab (click).

Lourdes S. Martinez
Dr. Lourdes S. Martinez is a Professor in the School of Communication at San Diego State University (SDSU), where she serves as Associate Director of the School and Director of Undergraduate Studies. She is also an Associate Director in the Center for Human Dynamics in the Mobile Age (HDMA). Dr. Martinez received her B.A. (2004) in Public Health from Johns Hopkins University and M.A. (2008) and Ph.D. (2011) in Communication from the University of Pennsylvania. Her research focuses broadly on the intersection between social psychology, communication, and public health, and more recently examines the public information environment individuals are likely to encounter during both routine and purposeful information acquisition, how it can impact health-related outcomes. She has received external funding as a co-Investigator from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to study the role of social networks in supporting oral health behaviors (PI: Dr. Tracy Finlayson, 2020-2021) and the use of social media to develop evidence‐based messages for increasing PrEP usage among high‐risk priority populations (PI: Eric Walsh-Buhi, 2022-2024). Her research also appears in published articles of several journals including the American Journal of Public Health, Communication Methods and Measures, Cyberpsychology, Behavior, & Social Networking, Journal of Communication, Journal of Health Communication, Health Communication, Patient Education and Counseling, and Social Media & Society.

Silvio Waisbord
Silvio Waisbord is Professor in the School of Media and Public Affairs at George Washington University, United States. He is the author and editor of nineteen books and articles on journalism, politics, media, and communication for social change. His latest books are (co-edited with TJ Billard) Public Scholarship in Communication Studies (forthcoming, University of Illinois Press), and The Routledge Companion to Media, Disinformation and Populism (co-edited with Howard Tumber). He served as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Communication and International Journal of Press/Politics. He is President-elect and Fellow of the International Communication Association. He holds a Ph.D. in sociology from the University of California, San Diego and a licenciatura in sociology from the University of Buenos Aires.

Aleksandra Przegalińska
Professor at the Leon Kozminski Academy, postdoctoral fellow in management sciences. She earned her PhD in the philosophy of artificial intelligence at the Institute of Philosophy at the University of Warsaw. She is currently the Vice-Rector for International Cooperation and ESR at Leon Kozminski Academy. Since 2016, she has conducted research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston. She is a graduate of The New School for Social Research in New York, where she participated in research on identity in virtual reality, with a particular focus on Second Life. She is currently a Research Fellow at the American Institute for Economic Research. In 2022, she began working with the Labor and Worklife Program at Harvard. She is interested in the development of artificial intelligence, natural language processing, machine learning, social robots and wearable technologies.

Wayne Wanta
Wayne Wanta is a professor in the Department of Journalism at the University of Florida. He is a past president of Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication, and twice represented AEJMC as a delegate to the World Journalism Education Congress. He has lectured and presented research in more than 50 different countries, including as a Fulbright Scholar in Iceland. He has written more than 200 research articles and papers, many in the area of political communication and media effects. He also has eight books. He currently serves on the editorial boards of nine journals. Wanta has worked with more than 100 co-authors and served on over 200 graduate student master’s and doctoral committees.
We plan to organize two thematic workshops: one will be devoted to the tools offered by CLARIN infrastructure and the other to Artificial Intelligence.
ATTENTION! The number of places for workshops is limited, applications are on a first-come, first-served basis.
Workshop title:
”Content Creation Strategies using Chat GPT Online Version and API"
We invite you to a workshop dedicated to the practical utilization of the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) model for automating tasks related to text content creation, using both the API interface and the online chat version. We will focus on how to leverage AI-driven tools and explore the capabilities of the GPT model for solving everyday challenges and making the most of these tools from a researcher's perspective.
During the workshop we will:
- Introduce you to the world of the GPT model and explain how it works
- Teach you how to use the GPT model's API interface
- Conduct practical exercises to provide you with the opportunity to explore specific AI tool applications
- Discuss techniques for creating more effective prompts for Chat GPT
- Show how researchers in the social sciences field can use the GPT model in their daily research work with practical examples, including:
- Generating textual descriptions for data
- Generating sample text materials as stimuli for research
- Generating parametric variations of existing reference texts
- Summarizing longer texts and generating summaries
The workshop offer an excellent opportunity to acquire practical skills in solving real-world problems using the GPT model through the API interface and the online chat version. Join us to learn how to fully harness the potential of artificial intelligence!
Workshop title:
Media discourse analysis using natural language processing: information extraction and topic modelling
We would like to invite you to a workshop on the use of natural language processing potential for media discourse research. We would like to focus on two groups of NLP services provided by CLARIN-PL Research Infrastracture: the first concerns the extraction of specific types of information from text corpora. The second enables the analysis of text topics and the grouping of texts according to topical similarity.
During the workshop you will discover:
- how to prepare text material for analysis
- how to use free tools for information extraction and topical modelling provided by CLARIN-PL
- how the natural language processing tools work
- how to interpret the results of NLP analyses
- what are the benefits of using NLP and AI tools in the context of text analysis
During the workshop, we will demonstrate how NLP tools work and provide practical exercises to empower participants to accomplish simple research tasks on their own.
13 March
11:00-15:00 - Preconference Workshops, Museum of the History of Polish Jews POLIN, 6 Mordechaja Anielewicza St.
15:00 - Lunch
16:00 - Visiting tour of the Museum exhibition
14 March
9:00 - Conference opening - Institute of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw, 55 Dobra St.
9:30-18:15 - Keynote speeches followed by panel presentations
19:00 - Official dinner, Columned Hall (Sala Kolumnowa), Faculty of History, 26/28 Krakowskie Przedmieście St.
15 March
9:00-16:15 - Keynote speeches followed by panel presentations - Institute of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw, 55 Dobra St.
16:15 - Conference closing
19:00 - Evening event, Warsaw Brewery Restaurant & Bar (Browar Warszawski), 2 Haberbuscha i Schielego St.
16 March
10:00 - 11:30 Warsaw sightseeing (choose one of the three sightseeing routes)
Historic Warsaw: Explore the heart of Warsaw's history on this captivating journey through its oldest districts - the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Old Town, meticulously reconstructed after wartime destruction and a part of the Royal Route. Uncover the intriguing tale of Warsaw's rise, fall, and rebirth, where remnants of its grandeur coexist with traces of heroic struggles for freedom and independence. For centuries, this area has been the nucleus of social, political, and cultural life.
Jewish Warsaw: Embark on a fascinating journey through the rich history of Warsaw's centuries-old Jewish community. Discover well-preserved landmarks, symbols of life, memory, heritage, culture, and tradition that have profoundly influenced both the past and present character of the city. Immerse yourself in the enduring legacy of the Jewish community, a testament to its resilience and contributions to Warsaw.
Book of abstracts
Call for papers
The submission system is now open.
2024 International Communication Association (ICA) regional conference Human Tech Transition welcomes research from multiple disciplines that investigates communication immersed in modern technologies through the prism of changes imposed by the crises of modernity. Media, new technologies, and the crises of today's world are a triad whose interpenetration and relations will be the theme of our conference. We argue that linking empirical social research with technological advances will help better understand individuals' and social groups' behavior. The topics of the speeches should fit the thematic panels (tracks) listed below.
- Communication in times of war – new media, old strategies
- Communication in times of war – the role of media as institution
- Pandemic and lockdown as spiritus movens of the technological revolution in communication
- Climate crisis - communication through the lens of new technologies
- Technologies in social life - a solution or another crisis?
- Fighting for order and attention in times of datafication: digital media as a new tool for restoring social order
- Mediatization in the era of AI - track organized in cooperation with ECREA
Our conference follows the ICA’s standards as the as well as Conference Code of Conduct.
All submissions and proposals must be completed online no later than 10 December 2023 @ 23:59 London time (GMT+1). To avoid technical problems, early submission is strongly encouraged.
Exclusive Submissions
Each paper/proposal may be submitted to only one thematic panel (track). Submission of the same paper/proposal to more than one section is not permitted, and will disqualify the paper for presentation. You are welcome, however, to submit different papers or proposals to the same or different sections.
Author identification
Names must be removed for blind reviews of submissions. Before uploading your paper, remove all author identification from the document including any file properties. (For example, in MS Word, in the “File” menu, select “Properties,” delete any identifying information, click “OK,” and save the document).
Submission Types
We accept two types of submissions: (1) extended abstracts, and (2) posters. All submissions should be in APA format, 12 pt Times New Roman, double-spaced, and not under review for any journals or other conferences. All submissions must be in English.
Extended abstracts
- Maximum of 1,500 words. Title page, abstract, figures, tables, and references are not counted against the page limit.
- Abstracts must include the study purpose, conceptual framework, research questions, and provide sufficient methodological detail and preliminary/ final findings to evaluate the direction of the work.
- Must be anonymous. Please remove all identifying information.
Poster proposals
- Works-in-progress or late-breaking results, considered only for the interactive paper plenary session.
- Must include detailed descriptions of the research, and any potential results not available at the time of submission that will likely be included in the final interactive presentation.
- Length 1,000 to 1,500 words. Title page, abstract, figures, tables, and references are not counted against the page limit.
- Must be anonymous. Please remove all identifying information.
The authors of selected presentations will be invited to co-create a monograph, which will be submitted for review and publication in one of the most prominent global academic publisher.
Registration for this event has been finished. Thank you for the cooperation.
Conference registration prices
STANDARD RATE REGISTRATION PRICE Received AFTER 12:00 (noon) London time on 07 February |
ICA/PTKS MEMBER RATE TYPE 1 (for Membership Categories: Regular, Family, Institutional, Association) |
EUR 200 | EUR 100 | EUR 50 | EUR 300 | EUR 150 | EUR 75 |
ICA/PTKS MEMBER RATE TYPE 2 (for Membership Categories: Employment Exception, Student, Emeritus) |
EUR 150 | EUR 75 | EUR 40 | EUR 200 | EUR 100 | EUR 50 |
ACCOMPANYING PERSON (Social event access only)* |
EUR 150 | EUR 75 | EUR 40 | EUR 200 | EUR 100 | EUR 50 |
NON-MEMBERS | EUR 300 | EUR 400 | ||||
PHD STUDENTS (non-members) | EUR 150 | EUR 200 | ||||
UKRAINIAN RESEARCHER (non-member) | EUR 150 | EUR 200 | ||||
LIFE & SUSTAINING MEMBERS | n/a – fee included with membership type |
Due to the fact that The Polish Communication Association (PCA/PTKS) is a collective member of the International Communication Association, membership in PCA (PTKS) allows for the payment of fees at the appropriate rate for ICA members, as indicated in the above table (early rates: 200 or 150 EUR).
ICA regional conference pricing, like membership dues, is assessed according to a tier system. Click here to determine your country tier.
* The Accompanying Persons’ registration does not allow access to any of the scientific sessions. It is exclusively intended for non-member guests of conference registrants to gain access to ICA sponsored social events (e.g. Welcome Reception).
Organizing team

Karolina Brylska
Laboratory of Media Studies, Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies, University of Warsaw, Poland
Conference Chair

Anna Mierzecka
Laboratory of Media Studies, Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies, University of Warsaw, Poland
Conference Chair

Martyna Dudziak-Kisio
Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies, University of Warsaw, Poland

Małgorzata Kisilowska-Szurmińska
Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies, University of Warsaw, Poland
Papers Chairs

Alicja Waszkiewicz-Raviv
Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies, University of Warsaw, Poland
Posters Chair
Scientific Committee
- Janusz Adamowski (University of Warsaw, Poland)
- Lynn Silipigni Connaway (OCLC Research, USA)
- Katalin Feher (University of Public Service, Associate Professor (Hungary); Transatlantic EU Horizon NGI Enricher (EU-Canada))
- Mirosław Filiciak (SWPS University, Poland)
- Terry Flew (University of Sydney, Australia)
- Tomasz Gackowski (University of Warsaw, Poland)
- Tuomas Harviainen (Tampere University, Finland)
- Agnieszka Hess (Jagiellonian University, Poland)
- Iwona Hofman (Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland)
- Deimantas Jastramskis (Vilnius University, Lithuania)
- Jamie Johnston (Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway)
- Łukasz Kaczmarek (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland)
- Veli-Matti Karhulahti (University of Jyvaskyla / University of Turku, Finland)
- Katarzyna Konarska (University of Wroclaw, Poland)
- Eun-Ju Lee, (Seoul National University, South Korea)
- Lourdes S. Martinez (San Diego State University, USA)
- Aleksandra Przegalińska (Kozminski University, Poland)
- Agnieszka Stępińska (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland)
- Caja Thimm (University of Bonn, Germany)
- Silvio Waisbord, (George Washington University, USA)
- Wayne Wanta (University of Florida, USA)
- Magdalena Wojcieszak (University of Davis, USA)
- Jadwiga Woźniak-Kasperek (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Organizing Committee
- Adam Balcerzak (University of Warsaw, Poland)
- Martyna Dudziak-Kisio (University of Warsaw, Poland)
- Michał Głowacki (University of Warsaw, Poland)
- Anna Jupowicz-Ginalska (University of Warsaw, Poland)
- Monika Kaczmarek-Śliwińska (University of Warsaw, Poland)
- Marta Kamińska (University of Warsaw, Poland)
- Małgorzata Kisilowska-Szurmińska (University of Warsaw, Poland)
- Monika Kożdoń-Dębecka (University of Warsaw, Poland)
- Marcin Łączyński (University of Warsaw, Poland)
- Bartłomiej Łódzki (University of Wroclaw, Poland)
- Anna Miotk (University of Warsaw, Poland)
- Jakub Nowak (Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland)
- Radosław Pawelec (University of Warsaw, Poland)
- Dorota Piontek Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
- Łukasz Przybysz (University of Warsaw, Poland)
- Łukasz Szurmiński (University of Warsaw, Poland)
- Andrius Šuminas (Vilnius University, Lithuania)
- Marlena Sztyber (University of Warsaw, Poland)
- Dariusz Tworzydło (University of Warsaw, Poland)
- Alicja Waszkiewicz-Raviv (University of Warsaw, Poland)
- Małgorzata Winiarska-Brodowska (Jagiellonian University, Poland)
- Agnieszka Wojtukiewicz (University of Warsaw, Poland)
- Ksenia Wróblewska (University of Warsaw, Poland)
- Malwina Żuchniewicz (University of Warsaw, Poland)
We are pleased to inform that conference participants can travel for free on public transportation within the city of Warsaw. Free rides from March 13th to March 15th, 2024, will be available upon presentation of the conference badge and a valid form of identification. Conference participants will be able to utilize free transportation services, including buses, trams, metro, and Szybka Kolej Miejska Sp. z o.o. trains within fare zone 1 in Warsaw.

2024 ICA: Human–Tech Transition will be hosted by the University of Warsaw, in the building at 55 Dobra Street (near Main Campus). The location is easily accessible by public transport. The nearest station is Biblioteka Uniwersytecka (bus 106, 118, 127)
Must-see at the University of Warsaw
The University of Warsaw, founded in 1816, is widely regarded as the best university in Poland and one of the leading institutions in this region of Europe. Its mission, although formulated by its founders, remains relevant to this day:
The University should not only maintain in the nation both learning and skills at the level they have already attained in the scholarly world but also further develop and propagate them as well as apply their theory for the public good.
The Main Campus
26/28 Krakowskie Przedmieście St. – this address is familiar to everyone connected with the University of Warsaw: it is the Main Campus. This historic enclosure is one of the most enchanting areas of Warsaw. Beautiful sculptures decorating the buildings and the greenery the surrounds them make the Campus one of the most pleasant and often visited locations, and a favourite among both tourists and the residents of Warsaw. The Main Campus and its vicinity are home mainly to the Humanities and Social Sciences faculties.
The Main Gate
Leading to the campus from Krakowskie Przedmieście is one of the University’s chief symbols. The University coat of arms was placed on it in October 1916, that is five years after it was constructed; it is a crowned eagle surrounded with five stars, which symbolise the first five faculties of the University: those of the Law and Administration, Medicine, Philosophy, Theology, and Fine Arts and Sciences. The gate’s niches hold statues of Athena and Urania, the first holding a helmet, the other a globe. Thus, entering the Warsaw University campus enclosure, we find ourselves under the protection of goddesses of wisdom and knowledge about the universe.
The Old Library
Was built in 1894. It was extremely modern for its time: the library was able to hold 750,000 volumes, and the large storage space resembled a huge steel grille. The venerable building was emptied in 1999, when the new Main Library opened at Powiśle. Subsequently it was thoroughly rebuilt; in effect, the building now merges architectural modernity with tradition. Currently it contains lecture rooms. Fragments of the impressive steel construction are still visible in the former storage space of the Library. An interesting fact is that during the 2nd World War Czesław Miłosz, the future Nobel Prize laureate, worked in the Old Library as a janitor.
The Kazimierzowski Palace
The University’s oldest building, was constructed before 1643. Standing at the edge of the slope running down towards the Vistula, it was initially the summer residence of the kings of Poland: Władysław IV, Jan Kazimierz, who gave the palace its name, and Jan III Sobieski. In the 18th century, King Stanisław Augustus Poniatowski put the entire property to a completely different use: instead of being a residence, the palace became headquarters of the Noble’s School, an academy for young gentlemen. The building was handed over the education authority board only in 1808. The palace was bombed and burnt out in the Second World War. Rebuilding works were concluded in 1954; the architect modelled the restoration on design drawings dating from ca. 1820. Today, it is the headquarters of University authorities.
Auditorium Maximum
Dates from the inter-war period. The Second World War left it in ruins, and its main lecture hall was used as stables. It was rebuilt in the 1950s. Four beautiful Ionic columns at the main entrance porch give it a neoclassical feel. The building contains offices and the University’s largest lecture hall, which has the seating capacity of nearly 1200.
The University of Warsaw Library
The building is located close to the Vistula bank. Since its opening in 1999 it has been one of the greatest architectural and tourist attractions of Warsaw. The combined collections of the University Library and the forty-seven other faculty libraries hold over 5.8 million volumes. The Library has 3,500 visitors per day, which amounts to over a million per year. It is also a venue for exhibitions and other cultural events. The Library has also one of the largest roof gardens in Europe.
Accomodation Offers for ICA 2024 Attendees
Welcome to ICA 2024! To ensure a comfortable stay for our guests, we have partnered with several recommended hotels offering exclusive discounts.
Hotel Ibis Styles
Website: Ibis Styles
Discount: 15%
How to book with the discount: Please make your reservation by sending an email to, mentioning the code ICA2024.
Hotel Ibis Budget
Discount: 15%
How to book with the discount: Please make your reservation by sending an email to, mentioning the code ICA2024.
Hotel Indigo Warsaw
Discount: 10%
How to book with the discount: Reserve your room by emailing, mentioning the code ICA2024. Lower-priced rooms can be booked until March 5, 2024.
Website: Sofitel
Discount: 10%
How to book with the discount: Email, tel. 22 657 82 85, using the code ICA2024. Lower-priced rooms can be booked until March 5, 2024.
Golden Tulip
Website: Golden Tulip
Discount: 15%
How to book with the discount: Please use the reservation form (click).
Premiere Class Varsovie
Discount: 15%
How to book with the discount: Please use the reservation form (click).